Wilderness Within offers sessions, practices and retreats to deepen our inner resourcing, awaken remembering our selves as nature, and inspire planet friendly living.
This is my commitment. My offerings will help you to share in these discoveries:
Remembering, re-sensitizing and re-connecting to a deep resolve from the heart.
Living a life of fierce devotion to loving care of self and all beings on this planet.
Rediscovering your indigenous place within as belonging to this earth, as we are nature.
Exploring how to become naturalized to place by cultivating a growing relationship with the animate world we live in.
Finding home in deep reciprocity with each element that sustains our life in this body.
Learn to move from:
Isolation to Connection
Choosing to love deeply and opening to the rawness of this human journey.
Distraction to Presence
Consciously deepening our awareness of WHAT and HOW we choose
Separation to Cooperation
Celebrating diversity and creating the bridges that bring us together.
Denial to Informed Choice
Choosing kindness and consideration, knowing my choices impact others.
Repression to Vulnerability
Being uncomfortable and feeling deeply to find right relationship.
Chaos to Simplicity
Choosing LIFE, knowing that all will pass away and give back in that passing.
Upcoming Events
Why Retreat? Retreat is a vital act of kindness to ourselves, in that it gives us time and space to feel and deeply inquire into, how we are being or not being with this one precious life. Time to grow our capacity to stay close to our hearts, grow deeper into our awareness and serve life from a solid foundation of knowing one’s self. Retreat supports our capacity to stay curious and grow trust in receiving support from a community that is willing to be vulnerable together and grow compassionately in this awkward dance of becoming adult human beings.
Click on an image below for more event details
“Wake and watch the universe shrug itself into wakefulness, as night surrenders slowly to day and shadow relinquishes itself to light. I watch this display and realize that the moon lives in the lining of my skin, the sun rises with my consciousness, and the earth thrums in the bottoms of my feet. Everywhere I go, I take that sense of wonder and mystery with me.”
— Wagamese, Richard. Embers: One Ojibway's Meditations